Happy Mid Autumn Festival....

Happy Mid Autumn Festival Everyone!!!!


Suppose to be Red bean paste but dunno what makes her change to salty green bean paste this year. She used to bought the red bean for the previous years.This is the cheap mooncake that sells in the morning market. 5 only cost RM10 ++. Is supper cheap if compare to those so called Branded mooncake which one already cost RM15. I bought 1 from Lavender,Tebrau Jusco which have the pandan favour lotus paste with salted egg yolk. I haven't have the chance to take a photo already finished up by my dad.=.=
Anyway, I still prefer authentic and economical mooncake. But i prefer red bean paste. If so happen any of you o plan to visit me next year some where in August,bring me some,ok?Thanks in advance.....;p

JElly Mooncake

These are those modern mooncake-The Jelly Mooncake.It contain less calories than those traditional mooncake but there is no different of tasting jelly just that it is in the shape of Mooncake...

JElly Mooncake
Favour from top left to bottom right - Yam, dragon fruit, mango and cappuccino.

JElly Mooncake

This jelly-mooncake was ordered from one of dad's customer. As i understand, they used fresh milk instead of coconut milk to create the creamy texture. Hence, this can last for no more than 3 days and must keep it in the fridge. Each box of 4 costs RM28.
